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Time Zones of the World

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The table below displays the time difference between main English speaking regions and regions located in Oceania. How it works: If you are in New York (USA East) on Wednesday at noon, and you call your friend in Melbourne, he will answer you while it's 3 o'clock AM local on Thursday (12 PM + 15 hours, then remove 24 and add a calendar day, since there is only 24 hours in a day...). And if a few minutes later you call your sister in Tonga, you will reach her while it's 6 o'clock AM local (12 PM - 6 hours).

Regions located in Oceania

(1) Includes New York, Washington, Boston. Same difference for Eastern Canada (Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto), Jamaica, Panama.
(2) Includes Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco. Same difference for British Columbia.
(3) Same difference for Ireland, Liberia, Ghana.
(4) Same difference for Western Europe.
(5) Same difference for Greece, Israel, Egypt.
(6) Same difference for China, Philippines, Western Australia (Perth).
(7) Eastern Autralia, including Sydney, Melbourne.
You are in: (1) USA
(2) USA
(3) Great
(4) Ni-
(5) South
India (6) Hong
(7) Aus-
Region Time difference
Australia :            
Victoria (Melbourne) +15 +18 +10 +9 +8 +4½ +2 0
New South Wales (Sydney) +15 +18 +10 +9 +8 +4½ +2 0
Queensland (Brisbane) +15 +18 +10 +9 +8 +4½ +2 0
South Australia (Adelaide) +14½ +17½ +9½ +8½ +7½ +4 +1½ -1½
Northern Territory (Darwin) +14½ +17½ +9½ +8½ +7½ +4 +1½ -1½
Western Australia (Perth) +13 +16 +8 +7 +6 +2½ 0 -2
Fidji +17 +20 +12 +11 +10 +6½ +4 +2
Lord Howe (Austr.) +15½ +18½ +10½ +9½ +8½ +5 +2½ +0½
New Caledonia +16 +19 +11 +10 +9 +5½ +3 +1
New Zealand +16 +19 +11 +10 +9 +5½ +3 +1
Norfolk (Austr.) +16½ +19½ +11½ +10½ +9½ +6 +3½ +1½
New Guinea
+15 +18 +10 +9 +8 +4½ +2 0
Solomon Islands +16 +19 +11 +10 +9 +5½ +3 +1
Tonga -6 -3 -11 -12 -13 -16½ -19 -21
Tuvalu +16 +19 +11 +10 +9 +5½ +3 +1
Vanuatu +17 +20 +12 +11 +10 +6½ +4 +2
Wallis and Futuna (Fr) +16 +10 +15 +17 +11 +9

[ Map ] - [ Africa ] [ America ] [ Asia ] [ Europe ] [ Oceania ]

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